Friday 24 April 2020


We are learning about circles and and what are in them like the raids ,chord ,diameter and circumference all a part of a circle.


  1. Well done Alex. You have labeled all the parts of a circle well. I like the slide it is nice and clear to read. Can you find any things around your house that are circles? Good work.

  2. Well done Alex- you have labeled this circle perfectly. I'm really happy to see that you have shared this to your blog so that we can all enjoy it. Did you find this tricky or easy?
    -Miss P

  3. Hi Alex,
    this was such a clear image to see around all your learning. Would I be correct in thinking that a raids could be a 'radius'?
    Thanks Alex
    Mrs Stewart

  4. Hi Alex its Sam here from room 3. That looks hard to do. It looks cool and you learned lots of stuff. More detail on your work might make it more interesting. I have never done diagrams like this. Did you do this in class?


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