Friday 19 June 2020

W.A.L.T Understand the Holy Trinity and write an explanation pretending it’s for Rooms 8/9.

this is my slide show about the trinity.
                                             comment below what i should put on my blog next :)

Thursday 18 June 2020

W.A.L.T. Appreciate work of others. 

This is my blog comment on Lanisi blog post i might make a blog post about me as well. 😛👍😝

Monday 15 June 2020


W.A.L.T Write a persuasive letter.


Listen up buddy, turquoise crayon here. You’ve used me so much that you could lose me in the carpet. It's amazing that you’ve used me for clear skies and oceans but now I CAN’T SEE OUT OF THE CRAYON BOX! So I QUIT. 

Your stubby friend,

Turquoise crayon

Friday 12 June 2020

Neil Armstrong


W.A.L.T. Engage in independent reading activities. 

This is my blog post about Neil Armstrong enjoy B)   : )

Thursday 11 June 2020

Hand writing

W.A.LT Keep our writing on the lines. 

How can we protect God's creations?

W.A.L.T Think of ideas that will protect God's creations.

The Great Escape

We are learning to do narrative writing. I enjoyed creating the story and coming up with freaky ideas.
What was hard for me is thinking up how to start my story and how to end my story.
My next step is to make my storeys shorter and more descriptive.

can you come up with a story?

The Great Escape!! It  was a stormy night on Saturday my grandpa just passed away then we heard on TV someone had dug the body out and the person who had put the body in the hole is gone.

Let's get to the start so my name is Alex and my friends are Fletcher and Jayden we had superpowers my superpower is to turn into Pokemon,Fletcher's power is to turn indivisible and mimic himself also other things, Jayden`s power is to shape shift.We were going to a summer theme park on Saturday, we heard some sad news my grandpa passed away it started to get stormy so we headed home when we got home me Fletcher and Jayden watched the sun get covered in pich dark clouds we ran inside lightning flashed we turned the TV onto Nickelodeon we loved it but it got intercepted by the superhero news it said¨ Alex's grandpa has escaped from the grave and all the other dead people there also stormy with a chance of apocalypse, we heard a deathly scream so we head outside to see what the comosin was it was someone getting their brains eaten zombies started to come out of the graveyard.Me Jayden and Fletcher started to light the zombies on fire with our matches and kicking the zombies butts until there was one zombie left so I said to the zombie ¨ do you want to go to your grave¨ the zombie nodded as the zombie hobbled away to the grave butt man came parashoting down from the butt mobile and sent that zombie to its mamma and I light its shirt on fire after that i said ¨I love fire¨ after that fireworks light up the sky also the clouds on fire.

Friday 5 June 2020

peregrine falcons

peregrine falcons are my favourite animal also the fastest animal in the WORLD they can reach speeds over 321 kph (200 mph). Peregrine falcons live on big cliffs but people have made huge billings so some peregrine falcons live on the high points of the billings.

And those are my facts about Peregrine falcons thank you for reading☺☺😀😁😃😛

Thursday 4 June 2020

The Little Shoemaker
W.A.L.T Analyse and create a character description
This is a story about a Little Shoemaker that lives in a small town, in an even smaller shoe shop surrounded by humongous buildings. In the story it looks like his only friends are some shoes that are alive, some girls and some boys.

 He has a massive moustache and spiky hair. He wears a blue shirt and over the top of it is a light brown apron. 
He wears square glasses on his brown eyes. He stands strong and when pushed down he gets back up. He moves tough like he is moving through a storm. He's a really and I mean really great man he’s funny, kind, thoughtful and courageous.

And that’s the story of The Little Shoemaker. If you bump into him say hi and don’t get onto his bad side…
That's my story of the little shoemaker!

Wednesday 3 June 2020

The Story of Sina and the Eel.

This is the story of Sina and the Eel its a real cool video because that people made the puppets out of cardboard but its not in the video if you cant read the words on the pitcher this is what they say,Listen to the people talking also trust people like your nabaor also check out my other Samoan blog post on my blog.